Dentomaxillary deformities represent a group of dental and skeletal alterations which imply both functional and aesthetic problems. Their cause is multifactorial, composed primarily of both genetic and environmental aspects, with a variable proportion between both. In this present article a case is reported consisting of the surgical management of a patient presenting hemimaxillary hypoplasia secondary to a primary failure of eruption, who underwent segmentary orthognathic surgery with interpositional ipsilateral graft, with the purpose of correcting both functional and aesthetic features presented, exhibiting a favorable and satisfactory response towards the treatment modality provided.
KEY WORDS: orthognathic surgery, dentomaxillary anomalies, segmentary osteotomy, primary failure of eruption.
How to cite this article
LOLAS, J.; LILLO, P.; SOTO, F.; MÁRQUEZ, A.; PLAZA, C. & MARTÍNEZ, P. Hemimaxillary hypoplasia secondary to primary eruption failure: Surgical case resolution and literature review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(3):281-285, 2024.