The etiology of facial fractures is directly related to the studied country, varying according to the socioeconomic, cultural condition of the population, besides the period of investigation. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of the prevalence, treatment modalities and complications rates of maxillofacial fractures in a hospital in the state of Espírito Santo, over a period of 5 years. A total of 428 patients presented a facial fracture, with a prevalence of males (436), with a mean age of 40 years. Regarding the number of fractures, 291 individuals suffered fractures only in the fixed skeleton, 97 only in the mandible, and 48 suffered fractures in both fixed and mandibular skeletons. The predominant anatomical site in fixed skeletal fractures was zygomatic complex (56.6 %), orbit (31.9 %) and nose (29.2 %); while in the mandible the condyle (33.8 %), body (17.9 %) and angle (13.1 %). The frequent etiology was falls, physical aggression, sports accidents. Regarding the type of treatment, in fixed skeleton 192 fractures were treated conservatively and 303 by surgery. Already in the mandible, the numbers were 43 and 143, respectively. In addition, 24 patients progressed with some type of complication in one or more operated sites. It is worth mentioning that epidemiological assessments provide important support in the creation of legislation in the attempt to reduce important for the establishment of clinical and research priorities, since risk factors and patterns of presentation can be identified. Accordingly in an attempt to reduce these rates.
KEY WORDS: epidemiology, facial injuries, facial bones.
How to cite this article
MARANO, R.; JADJISKY, M.; FILHO, A. B. M.; MAYRINK, G.; ARAÚJO, S.; OLIVEIRA, L.; LEMOS, I. Z.; DE SOUZA, N. S.; MARGATO, R. G. & BRANDÃO, D. B. R. Epidemiological analysis of 736 patients who suffered facial trauma in Brazil. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(2):257-267, 2020.