Bolton Tooth Size Discrepancy and Orthodontics Finalization: Clinical Considerations

2010 • Volume 4 • Issue 1

Dos Santos, Lacerda Rogério & Pithon, Melo Matheus



Discrepancies of the mesiodistal dimensions between upper and lower teeth as well as their effects on occlusion have been reported since the middle of the twentieth century. The aim of this study was to elucidate the importance of the applicability of the analysis of the Bolton tooth size discrepancy in the orthodontic finalizing. Cases involving Caucasian male and female patients aged between 12 and 25 years were selected for study. Analyses of the dental discrepancies were carried out before orthodontic treatment and after contention. Basically, only patients having all permanent teeth before treatment (with first molars in both arches) were included. Those cases of severely mutilated teeth, inadequate restorations, and tooth malalignment were ruled out because accurate measurement of the contacting points could not be performed. Measurement of the mesiodistal tooth dimension was performed by only one operator using a digital calliper of a resolution of 0.001 mm (Odin, Germany) which had been previously calibrated for such procedures. It was measured the largest mesiodistal diameter. Both previous and total relationships were calculated through their respective formulas according to Bolton (1958). The orthodontic finalisation showed that Bolton tooth size discrepancies involving either crowded dentition or lack of teeth can be compensated by mandibular or maxillary arch shape, buccal-lingual dimension, and axial inclination of the anterior teeth with no aesthetic or functional impairment.

KEY WORDS: orthodontics, tooth size discrepancy, malocclusion.


How to cite this article

DOS SANTOS, L. R. & PITHON, M. M. Bolton tooth size discrepancy and orthodontics finalization: Clinical considerations.Int. J. Odontostomat., 4(1):93-100, 2010.


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