Benefits of the Implementation of Interceptive Orthodontic in Pediatric Dental Clinic

2013 • Volume 7 • Issue 2

Paulo Sandoval & Betty Bizcar



The aim was to determine the benefit of implementing interceptive orthodontic clinics in infant patient analyzing recent literature about it. We conducted a systematic review of the literature by searching PubMed, SciELO and Cochrane Library for the past 10 years in response to the question: “In children with dentoalveolar malocclusions is it beneficial to implement interceptive orthodontics or is it better to apply a therapy at the end of growth?” Searching words were “interceptive orthodontic”, “serial extraction” or its translations in Spanish. We used inclusion and exclusion criteria to find the highest-level evidence. We selected 17 items of which five were clinical trials, six were retrospective cohort, and four were systematic reviews and one clinical case of long standing. Most reports use ICON and PAR index malocclusion for pre and posttreatment and to evaluate the effectiveness of using interceptive orthodontics. Cuspid extraction alone does not prevent permanent canine impaction. The control of serial extraction without braces was longer than with braces, but the active treatment period was shorter. This process is indicated in patients with more than 6 mm dentomaxilar negative discrepancy. Most studies show a high level of evidence (53%), but they differ in some variables and some treatments modalities, which do not make them comparable. There is evidence that early intervention in children with dentoalveolar malocclusions is beneficial, improving overjet and alignment of anterior maxillary and mandibular. It is feasible to treat severe dentomaxilar discrepancy with serial extraction. The evidence is insufficient to open bite and bad habits. Interceptive treatment requires lengthy follow up and does not eliminate the need for corrective treatment. There is no evidence that the resolution interceptive crossbite is positive.

KEY WORDS: interceptive orthodontics, serial extraction, thumb sucking.


How to cite this article

SANDOVAL, P. & BIZCAR, B. Benefits of the implementation of interceptive orthodontic in pediatric dental clinic. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(2):253-265, 2013.


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