Romero-R, Camila; Suarez-M, María; Gloria-Narváez-C, Carmen


Chronic periodontitis is an inflammation of tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth; during the course of the disease there is an increase of different chemical and pro-inflammatory biomarkers. The objective of the study was to determine different levels in saliva of total protein, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in patients with chronic periodontitis. We used saliva samples from 31 patients who had chronic periodontitis and the study was a case of series. Our results showed 22 patients with increased concentrations of protein concentration, nine patients with increased alkaline phosphatase and PGE2 concentration was above the reference range in 30 patients: The total protein and PGE2 are good salivary biomarkers in patients with periodontitis, but not the alkaline phosphatase and lysozyme.

KEY WORDS: proteins, alkaline phosphatase, prostaglandin E2, lysozyme, salivary biomarkers.

How to cite this article

ROMERO, R. C. SUAREZ, M. M. & NARVÁEZ, C. C. G. Total protein, alkaline phosphatase, prostaglandin E2 and lysozyme as salivary biomarkers in patients with chronic periodontitis. Int. J. Odontostomat., 11(4):381-385, 2017.