Gonzalo H. Oporto V.; Jenny D. Lagos G.; Thomas Bornhardt S.; Ramón Fuentes & Luis A. Salazar


Bruxism has been defined as a sleep-related movement disorder characterized by tooth grinding or clenching. Between 8% to 20% of adult population is affected by this parafunction. Relatives of these patients have reported to be affected by bruxism as well. There are theories that want to explain bruxism ethiology based on factors as stress and alteration in neurotransmitters (Dopamine, GABA and Serotonin). Possible epigenetic alterations in DNA influencing bruxism appearance have not been considered. It is therefore necessary to perform genetic, epigenetic and molecular research to confirm theories related to bruxism ethiology, with the aim to improve knowledge in this field as well as to contribute in the development of new and better therapies in bruxism treatment.

KEY WORDS: bruxism, dopamine, serotonin, GABA, genetics, epigenetics.

How to cite this article

OPORTO, V. G. H.; LAGOS, G. J. D.; BORNHARDT, S. T.; FUENTES, R. & SALAZAR, L. A. Are there genetic factors involved in bruxism? Int. J. Odontostomat., 6(3):249-254, 2012.