Dias, Hernandes Adriana; Guimarães, Brandão Sônia María; Suazo, Galdames Iván Claudio & Guimarães, Antonio Sergio


Myofascial trigger points (MTP) are hyperirritable points in skeletal muscle associated with a palpable lump caused by a strained muscle band. MTP presented within signs and symptoms of motor, sensory and autonomic impairment. In this article we report a case in which an autonomous referred phenomena from a myofascial trigger point and raises the neuroanatomical pathways involved in this response, considering the hypothesis that self-related responses associated with neuropathic pain can be regarded as events of the autonomic nervous system. Clinical and experimental evidence discussed in this article indicates that myofascial trigger point pain is an autonomic phenomena associated, that can be systemic and localized, and must be considered in evaluating patients with these diagnosis. KEY WORDS: autonomic phenomena, hyperaemia, myofascial trigger point, neuropathic response, sympathetic nervous system, temporalis muscle.

How to cite this article

DIAS, A. H.; GUIMARÃES, S. M. B.; SUAZO, G. I. C.; GUIMARÃES, A. S. Autonomus referred phenomena by myofacial trigger point in temporalis muscle as a neuropathic response. Int. J. Odontostomat., 3(1):29-32, 2009.