Brenna Magdalena Lima Nogueira; Bárbara Catarina Lima Nogueira; Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca; Gustavo Antônio Martins Brandão; Tatiany Oliveira de Alencar Menezes & Dinair Pamplona dos Santos Tembra


There are evidences that maternal profile, habits and health knowledge, influence in the oral health of children. The aim of this study was to assess pregnant women knowledge on oral hygiene practices and maintenance of Baby´s oral cavity. A descriptive epidemiological survey was conducted with 147 pregnant women. Sample was predominantly formed by young women and 33.33 % had incomplete primary education and most were housewives with family income between 1-2 minimum wages. Family was considered the primary means in the transfer of information about oral hygiene.

KEY WORDS: pregnant women, oral hygiene, infant.

How to cite this article

NOGUEIRA, B. M. L.; NOGUEIRA, B. C. L.; FONSECA, R. R. S.; BRANDÃO, G. A. M.; MENEZES, T. O. A. & TEMBRA, D. P. S. Knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about oral health. Int. J. Odontostomat.,10(2):297-302, 2016.