Miguel Angelo Ribeiro Scheffer; Bruno Tochetto Primo; José Roberto Macarini; Elken Gomes Rivaldo & Pedro Antonio González Hernández
Due to the complexity of the treatment of condylar hyperplasia associated with dentofacial deformities and its complications, if left untreated, the surgeon should be alert to these factors at the time of surgical planning to tailor the optimal therapy for an individual patient. This case report describes a patient with right condylar hyperplasia associated with dentofacial deformity who was treated surgically with low condylectomy, articular disc repositioning and anchoring, and orthognathic surgery, concomitantly, with stable results, satisfactory occlusion and facial harmony.
KEY WORDS: orthognathic surgery, mandibular condylar hyperplasia, condylectomy, facial asymmetry.
How to cite this article
SCHEFFER, M. A. R.; PRIMO, B. T.; MACARINI, J. R.; RIVALDO, E. G. & HERNÁNDEZ, P. A. G. Surgical treatment of condylar hyperplasia associated with dentofacial deformity: low condylectomy, articular disc repositioning, and orthognathic surgery. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(2):207-213, 2016.