Lívia Tiemi Yahagi Rêgo Gonçalves; Flavia Yumi Yahagi Rêgo Gonçalves; Brenna Magdalena Lima Nogueira; Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca; Sílvio Augusto Fernandes de Menezes; Patrícia de Almeida Rodrigues da Silva e Souza & Tatiany Oliveira de Alencar Menezes
Autism is characterized as a behavioral disorder. The autistic patient has some difficulties with common life routines, such as oral hygiene and also improper diet. As a consequence the refusal of physical contact, the implementation of brushing and flossing by caregivers is difficult. The present study aimed to conduct an epidemiological study of autistic patients in treatment at the Rehabilitation Center and Neurological Organization in North of Brazil, adopting the CPO-D and ceo-d. The clinical examination has been performed with the patient sitting in chairs, at the Rehabilitation Centre itself, under artificial fluorescent light intended for room lighting. From 26 patients included in the study, 76.9 % of subjects were male with a mean age of 13 years. Fifty percent had caries, and 11.5% had lesions on the gums. The mean ceo-d of children 2–8 years was 0.67. In patients 10–15 years and 20–40 years, the mean CPO-D was 0.70, and 3.00, respectively. From the study, the most significant data, seen was that half of autistic patients had carious lesions. It is vital to improve oral health conditions in these patients and by using preventive dentistry, analyze their susceptibility to oral diseases.
KEY WORDS: autistic disorder, oral manifestations, dental caries.
How to cite this article
GONÇALVES, L. T. Y. R.; GONÇALVES, F. Y. Y. R.; NOGUEIRA, B. M. L.; FONSECA, R. R. S.; DE MENEZES, S. A. F.; DA SILVA E SOUZA, P. A. R. & MENEZES, T. O. A. Conditions for oral health in patients with autism. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):93-97, 2016.