Emerik Alvarado-Torres; Jaime Fabián Gutiérrez-Rojo & Alma Rosa Rojas-García


Maturation can be defined as a gradual process over time, presenting successive qualitative changes in the anatomical and physiological organization during puberty to the adult status maturity. In the diagnosis and treatment in orthodontics it is important to know the stages of bone maturation. This can provide us relevant information that allows us to determine pace and time of maturation individual. The use and application techniques vary between and have a common goal, the classification of children and adolescents in stages of maturation. The objective of the study was to compare bone maturation of the cervical vertebrae using the methods of Baccetti and Lamparski in a population of Nayarit. The sample consisted of 298 lateral radiographs of the skull between ages of 8–15 years old. The maturity stages of the groups of CVM and Lamparski method, in men and women, were compared using Student t test. In the masculine population between 8 and 10 years significant differences were not found between both analysis; in the 8-year-old female group and the 9-year-old males, differences were found, with the CVM Baccetti analysis having higher values. In the other study groups, differences were also found showing higher values in the Lamparski analysis. The stages of maturation in the two types of analysis showed a marked difference in their interpretations. Lamparski analysis being more reliable as a diagnostic method for bone maturation.

KEY WORDS: bone maturation, vertebrae Lamparski, Baccetti.

How to cite this article

ALVARADO-TORRES, E.; GUTIÉRREZ-ROJO, J. F. & ROJAS-GARCÍA, A. R. Comparison of bone maturation of cervical vertebrae using Baccetti and Lamparski methods in patients 8 to 15 years of age. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):63-67, 2016.