Lorena Brenes Ortega; Gorka Santamaría Arrieta; Felipe J. Fernández-González; Nerea Martín Blanco; José Antonio Vega Álvarez; Eneko Solaberrieta; Iker Bellanco de la Pinta & Aritza Brizuela Velasco
The objective of this work was to establish if the method of evaluation of the vertical dimension by cephalometry and the common one with joint rollers, obtains results without statistically significant differences. We carried out a systematic review based on the PICO methodology of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine for Oxford. A question aimed at the objective was made, and a search strategy was developed using specific MeSH key words derived from the question in the Pubmed database up to 2015 and oral rehabilitation books. A total of 833 items were consulted by tittle, and for 26 of these full text was reviewed. Works on different methods for determining the vertical dimension were studied, with special emphasis on those based on cephalometric methods. Finally 9 articles fulfilled the criteria for inclusion and a critical assessment of the evidence level was performed. We did not find sufficient scientific evidence to demonstrate the repeatability of these methods. It is necessary to realize randomized controlled trials comparing both methods to determine if they were statistically repeatable and reproducible.
KEY WORDS: vertical dimension, oral rehabilitation, joint rollers, cephalometry.
How to cite this article
BRENES, O. L.; SANTAMARÍA, A. G.; FERNÁNDEZ-GONZÁLEZ, F. J.; MARTÍN, B. N.; VEGA, Á. J. A.; SOLABERRIETA, E.; BELLANCO DE LA PINTA, I. & BRIZUELA, V. A. Comparative analysis of the repeatability and reproducibility of two methods for measuring the vertical dimension in oral rehabilitation: a systematic review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):55-62, 2016.