Constanza Torres Lefián; Valentina Palma Gaete; Sandra Roizen Gottlieb & Francisco Muñoz Thomson
Accelerated osteogenic periodontal orthodontics is an orthodontic-surgical technique with multiple advantages, some of which include achieving shorter treatments and allowing broader orthodontic movements than those possible with conventional orthodontics. This study presents the clinical case of a 26-year-old male patient with severe mandibular atrophy and Brodie's syndrome, along with the transverse management of compression using the accelerated osteogenic periodontal orthodontic technique.
KEY WORDS: osteogenic orthodontics, mandibular atrophy, Brodie syndrome, surgical treatment.
How to cite this article
TORRES, L. C.; PALMA, G. V.; ROIZEN, G. S. & MUÑOZ, T. F. Transverse management of mandibular atrophy with periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics. A case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):492-500, 2024.