Hannah Gil de Farias Morais; Maurília Raquel de Souto Medeiros; Isabel de Freitas Sousa; Márcia Cristina da Costa Miguel; Hebel Cavalcanti Galvão & Éricka Janine Dantas da Silveira
Allergic contact stomatitis (ACS) is an inflammatory reaction of the oral mucosa resulting from contact with irritants or allergens, which is rare and difficult to diagnose. Female patient, 35 years old, feoderma, sought care complaining of sores on her lips that had been burning for two years, after being affected by COVID-19. The patient reported allergies to watch straps and clothing tags. Examination of the lips at the first visit revealed diffuse erythema and areas of scaling. Lip moisturizing cream was prescribed; hematological tests were requested, with clinical hypotheses of pemphigus vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid and herpes simplex infection. Hematological exams and incisional biopsy ruled out the clinical diagnoses and during follow-up consultations the patient revealed new ulcerated lesions, and corticosteroid and urea-based cream was then prescribed. Given the report of a worsening of the condition with the use of certain masks, a diagnosis of EAC was issued to polyester masks, and the patient was advised not to use this type of mask. Currently, she has no lip injuries.
KEY WORDS: hypersensitivity, lip, oral ulcers, oral medicine.
How to cite this article
MORAIS, H. G. F.; MEDEIROS M. R. S.; DE FREITAS SOUSA, I.; DA COSTA MIGUEL, M.C.; CAVALCANTI GALVÃO, H. & DANTAS DA SILVEIRA, E. J. Allergic contact stomatitis caused by polyester masks: A rare and challenging diagnosis. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):402-405, 2024.