Andrea Rodríguez Avilés; Constanza Torres Lefián; Constanza Lillo Fritz; Eduardo Álvarez Palacios & Cristian Vergara Núñez
Anthropometry is the study of the dimensions and proportions of the human body parts. One of the forms of evaluation is photogrammetry, which is based on taking measurements from photographs. To obtain reliable and reproducible recordings, it’s necessary to standardize the technique, this is achieved through the Natural Head Position (NHP):an innate physiological posture of the head, which is reproducible when standing and looking at the horizon. The most suitable reference to carry out a correct facial analysis is the bipupillary line when it is parallel to the horizontal plane. The objective of this study is to determine if there is inclination of the bipupillary line with respect to the true horizontal in young adult patients in NHP. In this nonexperimental analytical observational study, the sample was 113 clinical photographs of patients between 18 and 30 years old. A standardized frontal photograph was taken of each volunteer in NHP, the photographs were analyzed using Adobe Photoshop CS6 software (Adobe Systems):the bipupillary line was drawn and the angle formed with respect to the true horizontal was measured in the UTHSCSA ImageTool program. 3.0 (University of Texas Health):determining the inclination of the bipupillary line. The data obtained were tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 2016) and statistically analyzed in the Stata 10 software (Stata Corporation L.P.). The average value of inclination of the bipupillary line with respect to the true horizontal was 1.9° to the right and 2.01° to the left in frontal photographs of adult patients, with no significant statistical difference between sexes. The bipupillary line presents an inclination with respect to the true horizontal, with a greater prevalence of inclination to the left.
KEY WORDS: bipupillary line, orthodontics, photogrammetry.
How to cite this article
RODRÍGUEZ, A. A.; TORRES, L. C.; LILLO, F. C.; ÁLVAREZ, P. E. & VERGARA, N. C. Evaluation of bipupillary line in natural head position determined in standardized photogrammetry, as a complementary exam in orthodontics, in adult patients of the Dentistry Faculty of the Universidad de Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):386-392, 2024.