Fabrício Reskalla Amaral; Élida Lúcia Ferreira Assunção; Bruno César Ladeira Vidigal; Tassiana Melo Sá; Bruno Cançado Oliveira; Adriana Alves de Faria; Emilio Akaki & Edson Alves de Campos


The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge applied by dental students on the procedures of disinfection, tempering and pouring of irreversible hydrocolloid impressions. This study was conducted through a questionnaire to 86 undergraduate students, of both genders, of the eighth and ninth period of the School of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University, Belo Horizonte, MG. The questionnaire contained 12 multiple choice questions about clinical and laboratory procedures for dental impression. Analyzed data were descriptively and qualitatively. Most subjects (70%) stated they did disinfection of dental impression with 1% sodium hypochlorite spray. However, they did it in open containers (75.4%) and with time control (68.6%). The ratio water / powder is randomly conducted by most students (60.5%), and tap water is the one most commonly used (95.3%). The mixing of the calcium sulfate is done manually by nearly all students (97.7%), and use vibrator during the pouring of the calcium sulfate is common among undergraduates (60.5%). The setting of the calcium sulfate takes place predominantly exposed to air (93%) and the removal of the model is made ??between 30 and 60 min after pouring by 84.9% of students. These results point to the need for awareness of students of adopting practices transmitted during the undergraduate degree. It is also necessary to investigate the possible causes of knowledge transmission problems and how to effectively adopt good clinical practices.

KEY WORDS: learning, disinfection, alginate.

How to cite this article

AMARAL, F. R.; ASSUNÇÃO, E. L. F.; VIDIGAL, B. C. L.; SÁ, T. M.; OLIVEIRA, B. C.; DE FARIA, A. A.; AKAKI, A. & DE CAMPOS, E. A. Applicability of knowledge of graduates in dentistry: use of hydrocolloid Irreversible. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(3):519-524, 2015.