Eduardo Borie; Iara Augusta Orsi; Pedro Yoshito Noritomi & Daniel Takanori Kemmoku


The purpose of this study was to evaluate through finite element analysis (FEA) the total deformation or displacement as a whole system of multiple implant-supported prostheses in the maxillary anterior region with different implant’s length, connection, location and restoration material. An edentulous anterior region of a hemi-maxilla model was used in finite element analysis. The simulations were divided in two groups according to treatment plan: 1) two implants were placed in the upper central incisors, simulating an implant-supported fixed prosthesis (acrylic resin and metal-ceramic) of four elements with cantilever of both upper lateral incisors; 2) two implants placed in the upper lateral incisors, simulating a conventional fixed prosthesis of four elements with both upper central incisors as pontic. Models with cantilever prosthesis in acrylic resin showed the highest values of total deformation, which were 17 times higher than those of metal-ceramic in the distal face of the lateral incisors, regardless of the type of implant connection. In conventional prostheses in acrylic resin, external hexagon connections had lower total deformation values compared with morse taper connection. Also, the implant length was found to have no effect on the values of total deformation. In conclusion, total deformation was substantially greater in all models with acrylic resin restorations.

KEY WORDS: finite element analysis, total deformation, implants, micro-motion.

How to cite this article

BORIE, E.; ORSI, I. A.; NORITOMI, P. Y. & KEMMOKU, D. T. Total deformation of multiple implant-supported prostheses through three-dimensional finite element analysis. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(3):437-442, 2015.