Diego Michel Castillo Sauceda; Ma. Concepción Tello Zavala; Luis Octavio Sánchez Vargas; Ma. Bertha Gómez Gutiérrez; Nadya Nava-Zárate & Saray Aranda-Romo


Despite the large number of products available for denture cleaning, less than 60% of denture wearers use them, possibly due to the economic situation. The aims were to determine the in vitro anti-fungal susceptibility of Candida species to three denture disinfectants (Sodium hypochlorite, acetic acid and super oxidized solution). Clinical isolates were obtained from denture wearers diagnosed with denture stomatitis for its posterior in vitro susceptibility study to the different substances. 0.5% Sodium hypochlorite showed the higher in vitro inhibitory effect on Candida albicans and non-albicans. Acetic acid and super oxidized solution showed no inhibition in both species. 0.5% Sodium hypochlorite has an in vitro inhibitory effect on Candida species.

KEY WORDS: Candida albicans, denture stomatitis, sodium hipoclorite.

How to cite this article

CASTILLO, S. D. M.; TELLO, Z. M. C.; SÁNCHEZ, V. L. O.; GÓMEZ, G. M. B.; NAVA-ZÁRATE, N. & ARANDA-ROMO, S. In vitro susceptibility of Candida albicans and non-albicans isolated from dental prothesis in patients with denture stomatitis to three disinfectants. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(3):373-377, 2015.