Juan David Arango; Claudia María Roldan; Luz María Burgos; Carolina Giraldo; Carlos Efraín Gutiérrez; Luis Alejandro Sánchez; Mauricio Villegas; David Arango; Maryori Restrepo & Javier Enrique Botero


The aim of this study was to compare clinically speed orthodontic movement and changes in periodontal parameters in patients with conventional orthodontics and orthodontics with corticotomy for the treatment of anterior dental crowding. A total of 10 patients participated in the study: 5 patients in the orthodontics and corticotomy group (EXP) and 5 in the orthodontics patient group (CONT). Complete clinical examination included radiographic, periodontal and study models analysis was carried out. Measurements on periodontal changes, buccal bone plate, linear and angular movement were measured at baseline at 30, 90 and 210 days after the procedures. Differences between groups were established with the tStudent for paired and unpaired samples depending on the case. Teeth undergoing orthodontic corticotomy showed greater speed of movement compared to the control group during the first 30 days examination (P <0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in periodontal clinical parameters and thickness of the buccal bone plate between the groups. In conclusion, accelerated corticotomy orthodontic movement during the first 30 days postoperative, can reduce the treatment period in patients with severe crowding. Additionally, clinical periodontal parameters and volume of the buccal bone plate teeth undergoing corticotomy remained stable after the procedure.

KEY WORDS: corticotomy, accelerated orthodontics, clinical periodontal parameters, regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP).

How to cite this article

ARANGO, J. D.; ROLDAN, C. M.; BURGOS, L. M.; GIRALDO, C.; GUTIÉRREZ, C. E.; SÁNCHEZ, L. A.; VILLEGAS, M.; ARANGO, D.; RESTREO, M. & BOTERO, J. E. Clinical comparison of orthodontic treatment facilitated by corticotomy and conventional orthodontics (pilot study). Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(2):239-248, 2015.