Paulo Hemerson de Moraes; Mauro de Arruda Nóbilo; Márcio de Moraes; Sergio Olate & José Ricardo de Albergaria Barbosa


The aim of this study was to analyse the in vitro the stress distribution in craniofacial structures around zygomatic implants. Synthetic polyurethane skulls replicas were used as templates for installation of standard and zygomatic implants performing two techniques using rehabilitation with using one zygomatic implant in the right and left side in combination with 2 and 4 standard implants in the anterior maxilla (group 1 and group 2). The skull replicas of photoelastic resin were subjected to photoelastic analysis after linear loading using an Instron 4411 servohydraulic mechanical testing, with a 2 mm displacement. The stress distribution showed the fringes with concentration in the body and the frontal process of zygomatic bone. In the case of model 1, higher concentrations of stress were found around the standard and zygomatic implants and surrounding bone. Under this condition, the rehabilitation with 2 zygomatics implants and 4 standard implants (group 2) provided the most favorable behavior.

KEY WORDS: photoelastic analysis, maxillary atrophy, zygomatic implants.

How to cite this article

DE MORAES, P. H.; NÓBILO, M. A.; DE MORAES, M.; OLATE, S. & ALBERGARIA-BARBOSA, J. R. Photoelastic analysis of two maxillary protocols using zygomatic implants. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(1):107-111, 2015.