Karla Gabriela Ocampo GarcĂ­a & Julio Basilio Robles


The objective of this research was to identify oral conditions of edentulous patients attending rehabilitation at the Total Prosthetics Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, University of the State of Mexico. The study design was observational, descriptive, transversal and prospective with a nonrandom sample and sequential opportunity to study in 160 patients the type of microbial flora. The results report that the average age for most edentulous population is between 56 and 65 years of age. Regarding existing in mouth pathologies found that 80% of the population did not present signs or symptoms, in the remaining 20% the symptoms most recognized is the pain with 50%, ulcers in 30% and bleeding and inflammation by 10% respectively, all associated with denture stomatitis as the most frequently reported; burning mouth syndrome was reported in 2 of these patients’ oral pathology. Regarding microbial flora of the oral cavity we found a variety of microorganisms which breaks down as follows: 17% for plants coccoid Gram +, 2% for plants bacillary Gram-, 17% of white blood cells, 18% of bacteria, 18% ofepithelial cells, 2% diplococci, 5% Staphylococcus, tetrads 7%, 7% of Micrococci, Streptococcus 5%, 2% Enterobactereceas. No yeast or Candida albicans were found. In conclusion, females are more prone to edentulism, national demographic reason. In the area of oral microflora a lot of abounding bacterial flora Gram + microorganisms identified, but several anaerobic organisms convert the oral cavity in a culture medium are identified, which must be correlated with age, presence of concomitant systemic disease, microorganismios as staphylococcus and streptococcus as can have an impact at the systemic level, as demonstrated by the association of edentulism cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

KEY WORDS: edentulism, oral conditions, oral microbiota.

How to cite this article

OCAMPO, G. K. G. & BASILIO, R. J. Oral microbiota in edentulous patients. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(1):79-84, 2015.