Eduardo Cotecchia Ribeiro; Monique Lalue Sanches; Luis Garcia Alonso & Ricardo Luiz Smith


The aim of the study was to determine and classify the shape of the mandibular fossa and the corresponding condyle in different types, relating them to sex and symmetry, in adult human skulls, from lateral, posterior and superior views. The sample included 50 human skulls from 23 to 82 years old, 32 males and 18 females. The condyle and silicone casting molds of the fossa were photographed to assess shape in the three views. Shapes were classified, validated by intra- and inter-rater analysis and frequency, sex distribution and symmetry verified. Shapes were classified as rounded, angled, flattened and mixed types in the lateral and posterior views; and as biconvex, flat-convex, biflattened and mixed in the superior view. Rounded condyle and fossa were more frequent in the lateral (57% and 66% respectively) and posterior (53% and 83%) views. In the superior view, mixed shape presented higher frequency in condyle (59%) while in fossa the biconvex shape (46%) was most common. There was no significant difference in shape distribution by sex. The same shape (symmetry) or otherwise (non-symmetry) in right and left side condyle and fossa were separately assessed and showed various combinations.

KEY WORDS: temporomandibular joint, condyle, mandibular fossa, anatomy, shape, symmetry.

How to cite this article

RIBEIRO, E. C.; SANCHES, M. L.; ALONSO, L. G. & SMITH, R. L. Shape and symmetry of human condyle and mandibular fossa. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(1):65-72, 2015.