Sandra Santana Sardinha; Antonio Lanata-Flores; Leandro Pozzer; Lucas Cavalieri-Pereira; Sergio Olate & José Ricardo Albergaria-Barbosa
This work aims to analyze chemically the surface of pure titanium commercial implants, currently used in dentistry. Eight implants were selected from the following manufacturers: Conexão – sistema de prótesis; Lifecore - Biomedical; as technology and s –Serson International. The samples showed surface treatment through acid attack techniques (conexão) and titanium plasma spray (Lifecore - Biomedical; technology as and s-Serson International), being divided into four groups containing two implants of the same batch of each manufacturer. Analyses were performed by x- ray excited (XPS) photoelectron spectroscopy. The results of chemical analysis showed the elements Titanium (Ti), Oxygen (O), Silicon (Si), Zinc (Zn), Aluminum (Al) and Carbon (C). It can be concluded that there are impurities in the implant surface, although further studies are needed that associate the presence of these compounds and their interference in osseointegration.
KEY WORDS: dental implant, osseointegration, titanium.
How to cite this article
SARDINHA, S. S.; LANATA-FLORES, A.; POZZER, L.; CAVALIERI-PEREIRA, L.; OLATE, S. & ALBERGARIA-BARBOSA, J. R. Chemical Analysis of Pure Titanium Commercial Implants through X-Ray (XPS) Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(3):359-364, 2013.