Natalia Garcia Santaella; Brena Rodrigues Manzano; Eduardo Stedile Fiamoncini & Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos


Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) are bullous autoimmune diseases that reach the oral mucosa and have common clinical features. The objective of the study was to present and compare the clinical manifestations of PV and MMP and the results of applied treatments. A case series of a stomatology service from 1985 to 2018. Data collection included epidemiological data, comorbidities, medications in use, duration of symptoms before the first visit, previous treatment, symptomatology, clinical description of lesions, presumptive diagnosis, histopathological description, extraoral manifestations, final diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The medical records of 25 patients were analysed, 19 of whom were diagnosed with MMP and 6 with PV. The female gender was prevalent in MMP (84 %) and the male gender in PV (67 %). More than 60 % of patients complained of pain at their first visit. Patients with MMP took on average 6 months to seek professional help and patients with PV, about 2 months. Desquamative gingivitis was the most common lesion (63 %) in MMP and non-gingival ulcers (67 %) in PV. Minimal therapy was effective in all cases of MMP, and in PV one individual required minimal adjuvant therapy due to worsening of the case. Patients with PV have more intense signs and oral symptoms and may need more intensive treatment than patients with MMP. The use of topical and/or systemic corticosteroids was sufficient for most cases in both diseases.

KEY WORDS: pemphigus vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid, oral manifestations, treatment outcome.

How to cite this article

GARCIA SANTAELLA, N.; RODRIGUES MANZANO, B.; STEDILE FIAMONCINI, E.; DA SILVA SANTOS, P.S. Pemphigus vulgaris versus mucous membrane. Pemphigoid: Case series. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(2):248-254, 2024.