Valentina Palma G.; Martin Pesce G.; Rosario Escobar M. & Eduardo Alvarez P.


The present report aims to sequentially and visually present the maxillary protraction of a Class III skeletal patient using the BAMP protocol. After conducting a clinical analysis of the case, it was decided to perform orthopedic treatment using titanium miniplates with Class III intermaxillary elastics following the BAMP protocol, in conjunction with dentoalveolar orthodontic treatment using fixed bimaxillary appliances with Roth prescription 0.022" Mini Sprint Forestadent. The success of the interceptive approach using the BAMP protocol is observed. This approach managed to reduce both the time and complexity of orthodontic treatment and also decreased the need for orthognathic surgery in adulthood. The BAMP treatment, designed for specific ages and growth stages, proved successful in a 12-year-old patient without growth potential. Miniplates as anchorage are effective for maxillary protraction in various cases, although post-surgical follow-up and education are required. It is recommended to remove the miniplates when they are no longer necessary, adapting the protocol to each patient. In summary, miniplate treatment is effective in correcting Class III skeletal anomalies.

KEY WORDS: skeletal anchorage, maxillary protraction, class III, orthodontic, BAMP.

How to cite this article

PALMA, G. V.; PESCE, G. M.; ESCOBAR, M. R. & ALVAREZ, P. E. BAMP Protocol: a case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(1):117-126, 2024.