Camila Cofré Leiva & Liberto Figueroa Colarte


Mesiodens is the supernumerary tooth that originates in the premaxilla, considered the most prevalent or, the most diagnosed due to the multiple alterations that produce and that include malposition of the permanent teeth, formation of gaps, delayed eruption of the upper anterior incisors and cyst formation. The etiology of mesiodens is not fully established, although it is thought that it may be due dental lamina alteration or other genetic factors. Diagnosis is usually late because most remain unerupted, and can generate dentomaxillary complications that are ultimately the reason for patient consultation. The dentigerous cyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst associated with the crown of an included, numerary or supernumerary tooth and its treatment is surgery. Early diagnosis and treatment planning should consider a careful history, clinical examination, and 3D imaging. The surgery must consist of the disinclusion of the offending tooth, the exeresis and curettage of the lesion, with or without immediate bone regeneration of the surgical bed with a graft. Two cases of a dentigerous cyst associated with a mesiodens that were diagnosed as a radiographic finding are presented. The treatment plan consisted in evaluation and endodontic treatment of devitalized teeth, enucleation and curettage of the cyst, together with the disinclusion of the supernumerary tooth, and long-term clinical and radiographic follow-up.

KEY WORDS: Dentigerous cysts, supernumerary Tooth, diagnostic imaging, surgical procedure.

How to cite this article

COFRE-LEIVA, C. & FIGUEROA-COLARTE, L. Dentigerous cysts associated with mesiodens. Review of the literature regarding two cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(2):71-76, 2024.