Gabriela Gonçalez Piai; Reyna Aguilar Quispe; Letycia Accioly Simões Coelho; Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte; Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos & Rodrigo Ricci Vivan


This case report aimed to describe the importance of endodontic treatment in reducing infectious foci in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome (ES) and describe the characteristics of ES, so that the endodontist can safely treat these patients. A 57-year-old male with ES sought dental care complaining of dental pain. Irreversible pulpitis was diagnosed in tooth 37 and pulp necrosis in teeth 36, 34 and 31. Tests of prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboblastin time (APTT) and international normalized ratio (INR) were prescribed to evaluate the profile of coagulation using Marevan and antibiotic prophylaxis with amoxicillin. The endodontic treatments were performed. At the end, the patient reported no pain or discomfort in the teeth and improved masticatory function. The removal of oral infectious foci in patients with ES is important to reduce the risk of IE, which could seriously compromise the health and overall prognosis of the patient.

KEY WORDS: Eisenmenger complex, endocarditis, endodontics, infections, quality of life.

How to cite this article

PIAI, G. G.; QUISPE, R. A.; COELHO, L. A. S.; DUARTE, M. A. H.; DA SILVA SANTOS, P. S. & VIVAN, R. R. Endodontic treatment as a reduction in the risk of infective endocarditis in a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome. Int. J. Odontostomat., 17(4):498-504, 2023.