Estrella Marcela Lopez-Alvarez; Esperanza Raquel Ayón-Haro; Rafael Morales Vadillo & Luz Dahiana Alfaro Carballido


Determine the efficacy of 5 % chlorine dioxide as an endodontic irrigant for pulp dissolution. Thirty five samples of human dental pulp were obtained, previously weighed and immersed in three solutions= 5 % ClO2, 5.25 % NaOCl and saline (control group), for 10 minutes at 32 ºC; they were dried and reweighed. Then the weight loss was compared to the original weight and analyzed statistically. 5.25 % NaOCl and 5 % ClO2 dissolved the dental pulp samples more effectively than saline (p> 0.001). No statistically significant difference was found between the tissue dissolving properties of 5.25 % NaOCl and 5 % ClO2 (p=0.893). 5 % ClO2 is effective in dissolving human dental pulp tissue.

KEY WORDS: pulp dissolution, chlorine dioxide, endodontic irrigants, sodium hypochlorite.

How to cite this article

LOPEZ-ALVAREZ, E. M.; AYÓN-HARO, E. R. & MORALES, V. R. & ALFARO, C. L. D. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide as an endodontic irrigant for pulp dissolution in vitro. Int. J. Odontostomat., 17(1):20-24, 2023.