Mario Andrés Gómez Escorza; Cindy Hernandez Romero; Jorge Armentía Escarraga & Eduardo Gómez Escorza


Nowadays there are several choices, to prevent, reduce and correct alveolar ridge deformities caused by resorption at the time of extracting one or several teeth. Alveolar ridge preservation is defined as any procedure performed, following any dental extraction that allows the dimensions of the alveolus to be preserved. Those techniques of alveolar ridge preservation are designed to prevent as many reabsorption changes that occur after dental extraction. The best choice to replace the functionality, biological stability, and esthetic, of natural teeth is to place a dental implant. The placement of the alveolar ridge preservation treatment reduces the dimensional changes over the alveolar ridge. The recently proposed technique to alveolar ridge preservation called BARP or "Biologically-oriented Alveolar Ridge Preservation" managed to preserve the alveolar ridge dimensions while restricting any interference with the biomaterial at the same time.

KEY WORDS: atraumatic extraction, alveolar ridge resorption, alveolar ridge preservation, ovoid provisional.

How to cite this article

GÓMEZ, E. M. A.; HERNÁNDEZ, R. C.; ARMENTÍA, E. J. & GÓMEZ, E. E. Preservation with BARP technique and immediate provisionalization. Clinical case. Int. J.Odontostomat.,16(3):412-421, 2022.