Alfredo Gantz B.; Felipe López N.; Melissa Carvajal G.; Arturo Besa-Alonso & Liberto Figueroa C.


The gigantiform cementoma (GC) is a benign bone-fibrocement lesion of very low prevalence and of unknown etiology that occurs more frequently in young patients and is characterized by generating mobility of teeth and significant facial asymmetries. Radiographically it is expressed as a mixed lesion, with the presence of radiopaque and some radiolucent areas, well circumscribed, which is observed mainly in the mandible. GC behaves in a similar way to other maxillary lesions, both clinically and in histopathology, which could make its diagnosis difficult and confusing. Due to its locally aggressive and deforming behavior, the suggested treatment is resection of the lesion with safety margins.

KEY WORDS: Gigantiform cementoma, pediatric, mandibular, case report.

How to cite this article

GANTZ, B. A.; LÓPEZ, N. F.; CARVAJAL, G. M.; BESA-ALONSO, A. & FIGUEROA, C. L. Mandibular gigantiform cementoma in pediatric patient: a case report and review of literature. Int. J. Odontostomat., 16(2):171-176, 2022.