Díaz, Meléndez A.; Almeida, Arriagada Andrés M.; Alister, Herdener Juan P. & Matamala, Cartens María Eugenia
Compared with adult and adolescent population, fractures to facial skeleton and maxillomandibular region are uncommon in paediatric patient, especially in pre-school children under 4-5 years-old. Paediatric bone facial fractures are a particular pathology because it occurs in bone that is at growing process, presence of thin cortical bone, teethbuds development and partially erupted permanent teeth. Require different clinical treatments strategies, so conservative approach is advocated before the use of internal rigid fixation with plates and screws. The knowledge of growing and developmental biologic principles of the facial skull in children is essential to minimize the risks and disturbances at the permanent tooth buds, TMJ ankylosis and facial skeletal growth. This case report showed and described a 5-year-old boy that sustained open fracture of the mandible, whom was successfully treated by close reduction technique with wire composite and proximal splints. The high osteogenic potential of paediatric bone tissue allows non surgical management of these injuries. Moreover, the importance of interdisciplinary management with different specialists is presented. KEY WORDS: paediatric mandible fracture, conservative treatment.
How to cite this article
DÍAZ, J. A.; ALMEIDA, M. A.; ALISTER, J. P. & MATAMALA, M. E. Conservative surgical management of mandible fracture in fracture in pre-school children; a case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 1(2):147-155, 2007.