Pablo Ignacio Navarro Wike; Cristóbal Alejandro Leiva Contreras & Francisca Donoso-Hofer


Oral mucositis (OM) is the most common acute secondary reaction in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy to the head and neck, which adversely affects the patient's quality of life even at the risk of death. This requires multidisciplinary knowledge and management in order to minimize the incidence and severity of this pathology. The partial lack of knowledge regarding its etiopathogenesis makes it impossible to establish standardized guidelines for the management of this complication. Although there is scientific evidence regarding prevention and treatment alternatives, these depend on the individual evaluation of each patient and the clinical scenario in which they are presented. An updated review of the published scientific literature is presented below and those aspects most relevant to the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis are discussed.

KEY WORDS: oral mucositis,chemoteraphy, radioteraphy, treatment.

How to cite this article

NAVARRO, W.P, LEIVA, C.C &DONOSO, H. F. Oral mucositis: Update in diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(1):263-270, 2021.