Celia E. Mendiburu-Zavala; Alfredo Escamilla-Priego; Pedro Lugo-Ancona & María Teresa Zermeño-Loredo


Anxiety can be a trigger for temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). It has been mentioned that the most frequent psychological disorder in Mexico is "anxiety" with 14.3 %. The objective is to correlate and compare the levels of anxiety and the degrees of TMD in resident dentists (CDR) of two Mexican universities: the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of La Salle Bajío León, Guanajuato (FOULSB), and the Faculty of Dentistry. Dentistry of the Autonomous University (FOUADY) of Yucatan Mexico during the period from September 2017 to February 2018. The type of study was correlational, comparative crosssectional cohort, the variables being: anxiety (levels according to questionnaire self-assessment of anxiety state / trait STAI); clinical signs and symptoms for the diagnosis of TMD, (CDI / TTM Group I Muscle Disorders, Group II Displacement discs, Group III Arthralgia, osteoarthritis). The size of the sample and inclusion criteria in both universities were CDR in Dentistry; who agreed to participate in the study, by signing the informed and voluntary consent; men and women; between 25 to 34 years of age. Exclusion criteria: with orthodontic, surgical treatments, systemic or neurological diseases and that only the day the sample was taken showed otalgia or headache. The type of sampling, for convenience. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The results: 40 CDR of FOULSB, where 92.5 % (n = 37) reported having low anxiety levels, and 7.5 % (n = 3) moderate. Sixty-five point eight percent (n=26) presented diagnosis of TMD. Of the 40 CDRs of FOUADY, 97.5 % (n = 39) reported having low anxiety levels, and 2.5 % (n = 1) had a high level. Sixtyseven point five percent (n=27) presented signs and / or symptoms of TMD. The conclusion was that there were no statistically significant differences, since the CDRs of both universities presented similar DTM percentages and had similar levels of anxiety.

KEY WORDS: anxiety, temporomandibular dysfunction, resident dentist surgeon.

How to cite this article

MENDIBURU-ZAVALA, C. E.; ESCAMILLA-PRIEGO, A.; LUGO-ANCONA, P. & ZERMEÑO-LOREDO, M. T. Comparative study of anxiety and temporomandibular dysfunction in resident dental surgeons of two Mexican universities. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(4):458-465, 2019.