Viviana Garzón Rivas & Eduardo Garzón Aldás


The pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue, whose acronyms are PFPT, of the English Pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue, is an asymptomatic, nonprogressive condition that occurs in dark-skinned people, in which the fungiform papillae change their color natural pink, to a range of brown to black. The aim of our study is to report and describe the clinical, dermatoscopic and histological characteristics of the PFPT for the first time in a series of Ecuadorian patients. A simple prospective study at the Garzón Dermatological Specialty Center, a two-year period. The inclusion criteria was lingual change of color, demographic, clinical data were collected; photographs, dermatoscopy, and biopsy, for staining with hematoxylin-eosin and FontanaMason. We examined 8,640 patients, 15 (12 women, 3 men) were diagnosed with PFTP. The range of age was 31 years, all were mestizos, with skin phototype predominant III and IV. The range of evolution time in years was 5.8. None had family or personal precedents related to the pathology. The clinical evaluation showed that the pattern of distribution according to the Holzwanger classification in the great majority was type II (13/15). In all cases, the dermatoscopy and histology were specific, demonstrating typical and evidential findings of PFPT.

KEY WORDS: fungiform papillae, tongue, hyperpigmentation, dermatosocopy.

How to cite this article

GARZÓN, R. V. & GARZÓN, A. E. Pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue. Clinical, histological and dermatoscopic characteristics a serie of ecuadorian cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 13(4):445-451, 2019.