Marcelo Parra; MarĂ­a Paz Moya; Carolina Rebolledo; Ziyad S. Haidar; Juan Pablo Alister & Sergio Olate


The aim of this research was to perform a systematic review to identify the most frequent uses of PLA/ PGA in alveolar bone regeneration and their results. A study was designed to answer the question: What are the most frequent uses of PLA/PLGA and their copolymers in alveolar bone regeneration?. A systematic search was done on MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS from April 1993 to December 2017. The search string used on MEDLINE was: (((polylactic acid) OR PLA) OR PLA-based copolymers) OR PLA blends) OR PLA scaffolds)) AND ((("Bone Regeneration"[Mesh]) OR bone regeneration) OR guided bone regeneration). The search was complemented by a manual review of the references from the articles included. Most of the studies selected were weak and, regarding the most frequent uses of PLA/PGA, 13 studies used it as a resorbable membrane, two as an absorbable mesh, one as an absorbable screw and three as filling material. Based on our results, the authors consider that PLA/PGA requires a delicate relation between the mechanical resistance and the degradation process. PLA/PGA does not interrupt bone regeneration; however, the influence in cellular events related to bone regeneration and later osseointegration have not been identified.

KEY WORDS: poly lactic acid poly ethylene glycol, bone substitute, bone grafting.

How to cite this article

PARRA, M.; MOYA, M. P.; REBOLLEDO, C.; HAIDAR, Z. S.; ALISTER, J. P. & OLATE, S. PLA/PGA and its co-polymers in alveolar bone regeneration. A systematic review. Int. J. Odontostomatol., 13(3): 258-265, 2019.