Gaetti Jardim, Ellen Cristina; Rossi, Ana Cláudia; Perez Faverani, Leonardo; Ramalho Ferreira, Gabriel; Barbosa Ferreira, Mayara; Martini Vicente, Larissa; Garcia Rangel, Idelmo


In 2005, odontogenic cyst was classified as keratocyst odontogenic tumor due to being aggressive and recurrent. The keratocyst odontogenic tumor has characteristics, with slow development, does not cause metastases and provides great bone destruction. The aim of this study was to discuss the aspects regarding the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of odontogenic keratocyst tumor, through the report of two cases. Both initially underwent decompression of the lesion present proximity of anatomical structures to be great and noble, aiming to prevent pathological fractures. We carried out the clinical-radiographic and after regression of the lesion, patients underwent enucleation total.

KEY WORDS: odontogenic keratocyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor, orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocyst, orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst.

How to cite this article

JARDIM, E. C. G.; ROSSI, A. C.; FAVERANI, L. P.; FERREIRA, G. R.; FERREIRA, M. B.; VICENTES, L. M. & JÚNIOR, I. G. R. Odontogenic keratocyst tumor: report of two cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(1):33-38, 2013.