Araya Vallespir, Carlos; Bustos Leal, Alex; Castillo, Francisca; Oliva Belmar, Patricio; Araya Gozalvo, Javier
Improving human activities requires an evaluation process, in more cases based on tangible or material things. However, assessing the quality of dental care from users perspective is becoming more common, using a satisfaction concept as a good predictor. The questionnaire and its implementation is one of the most effective methods for evaluating customer/users satisfaction levels, bearing in mind the respect for sensitivities and emotions that can leave some hidden or oversized answers. This study was design to determine the quality of public dental care service, using a private service validated scale “SERVPERF”, that is based on intangible considerations of registered users from Family Health Centers of Urban Primary Health Care. A sample of 405 people from a population of 48,746 was taken, 5% error and 95% of confidence level was allowed and a specially prepared survey was applied at home. The lowest rating obtained was 4.85 for the brochures and recipes on a scale from 1 to 7, being the last one the best. A note 6.84 was assigned to the data collection system and a 4.91 for the other members of the service. For dentist who provides the service, the score was 5.79. The empathy criterion proved to be the smallest average obtained from all others concepts (p <0.004). We conclude that it is necessary to explain to the authorities the utility of equipment and infrastructure, and there must be a support to the growth of human capital as an important complement for the users satisfaction.
KEY WORDS: quality of services, intangible services, SERVPERF, public service.
How to cite this article
ARAYA, V. C.; BUSTOS, L. A.; CASTILLO, F.; OLIVA, B. P. & ARAYA, G. J. Determination of quality in dental services from a public health care center based on intangibles. Talcahuano, Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 6(3):349-354, 2012.