SepĂșlveda, Ilson; Spencer, Loreto; Platin, Enrique


We report on a patient who presented to our clinic with a volume increase and pain at left maxillary region. A biopsy of the area was performed and the lesion was diagnosed as differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the type cuniculatum. Due to the size of the tumor and compromise of vital intracraneal structures it was decided to perform surgical drainage and later is evaluated because of the tumor persistence to ultimately use palliative care.

KEY WORDS: squamous cell carcinoma, cuniculatum, computer tomography, tumor, sinonasal.

How to cite this article

SEPÚLVEDA, I.; SPENCER, L.; PLATIN, E. & BRAVO, F. Maxillary cuniculatum carcinoma: a case report and literature review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 6(3):281-284, 2012.