Effectiveness of NaviTip FX on Intracanal Calcium Hydroxide Removal

2016 • Volume 10 • Issue 1

Fernando Bezerra Romualdo Silva; Nathalia Carolina Fernandes Fagundes; Bárbara Catarina Lima Nogueira; Luciana Jorge Moraes Silva & Rafael Rodrigues Lima



Remnants of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 ) post-irrigation can compromise cleansing and permeability of dentinal walls in endodontic therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of irrigation needle NaviTip FX on intracanal Calcium Hydroxide removal. Twenty-two single-rooted human teeth were randomly assigned according to irrigation needle used after calcium hydroxide removal: G1- NaviTip; G2- NaviTip FX, both with n= 9; as well as negative and positive control groups, with n= 2. The samples were analyzed in scanning electron microscopy, with 500x magnification. The difference between groups were analysed by Student t test, for p ≤0.01. In apical third, G2 group presents better cleaning in comparison with G1 (p= 0.0007). In middle third, no differences between groups were observed. NaviTip FX irrigation needle shows greater effectiveness in removing calcium hydroxide medication than NaviTip needle in the apical third of the canal.

KEY WORDS: calcium hydroxide, irrigant activation, root canal therapy.


How to cite this article

SILVA, F. B. R.; FAGUNDES, N. C. F.; NOGUEIRA, B. C. L.; SILVA, L. J. M. & LIMA, R. R. Effectiveness of NaviTip FX on intracanal calcium hydroxide removal. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):143-148, 2016.


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