Gingival recession constitutes an apical deviation of the gum in relation to the amelocemental limit, which exposes the root surface, causing alterations in the patient such as: Dentin hyperesthesia, root caries, biofilm accumulation and affectation of aesthetics. The treatment aimed at achieving root coverage includes soft tissue and pedunculated grafts, each of them with very precise indications. When large recessions are involved and there is sufficient donor tissue on both sides of the tooth, the double papilla flap can be considered as a therapeutic option and if the combination with the subepithelial connective tissue graft is added to this, the results can be superior. As a starting point for these considerations, the case of a patient with Miller Jr. Class II and Cairo Type I vestibular gingival recession in the upper right canine who met the requirements to carry out this mucogingival procedure is presented. Once performed, complete root coverage of the lesion was obtained, which is why this bilaminar modality is proposed in cases of single, wide and deep recessions of canines with voluminous adjacent papillae.
KEY WORDS: double papilla flap, gingival recession, bilaminar procedure, subepithelial connective tissue graft.
How to cite this article
SARDUY BERMÚDEZ, L.; VEITIA CABARROCAS, F.; RODRÍGUEZ FELIPE, M. & RODRÍGUEZ DOMÍNGUEZ, M. Double papilla flap associated with subepithelial connective tissue in gingival recessions. Case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):464-469, 2024.