Dentition Number Alterations in Patients between 2 and 12 Years of Age with Cleft Alveolus Palate Examined at the Pediatric Dental Unit of the Regional Hospital Antofagasta, Chile

2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 3

Irene Gutiérrez Guerra & Oriana Valenzuela Rivera



The present study was carried out to research alterations of teeth in 71 patients, whose ages were between two and twelve years old and who exhibited alveolus cleft lip palate. These patients were treated at The Regional Hospital in Antofagasta around April 2004 and July 2010, therefore, we used the tabs clinics, panoramic radiograph, occlusal and periapical radiographs. A prevalence of tooth agenesis in 57.75% of supernumerary teeth in 23.95% was found and 18.4% of children did not show any modification of number. In connection with the distribution by sex of the cleft lip and cleft lip bilateral alveolar palatine presented a high frequency in boys , and the palate clefts with fissure unilateral alveolus cleft lip were frequently observed in girls. Regarding to the types of cleft lip, the most frequent found was the alveolar cleft lip palate unilateral with 64.70% over the total of the fissures. On the other hand, the frequency of agenesis, related to fissure was 89.3%. The most affected tooth in agenesis was the lateral incisor with 78.6% in children whose ages were from 2 to 6 years old, and 100% in children from 7 to 12.It was also observed that 61.5% of children with agenesis had one affected tooth, 30.8 % had two affected teeth and only 7.7% had three or more affected teeth.

KEY WORDS: fissure, tooth agenesis, supernumerary teeth.


How to cite this article

GUTIÉRREZ, G. I. & VALENZUELA, R. O. Dentition number alterations in patients between 2 and 12 years of age with cleft alveolus palate examined at the pediatric dental unit of the Regional Hospital Antofagasta, Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(3):81-490, 2014.


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