Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth with Ceramic Lithium Disilicate System

2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 3

Rolando Ignácio Figueroa; Fernando Goulart Cruz; Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho; Fabíola Pessoa Pereira Leite & Maria das Graças Afonso de Miranda Chaves



Dental ceramics are known for their excellence in the artificial reproduction of natural teeth. Clinical cases with severe marked discoloration in the anterior region, need of crown replacement or extensive restorations associated to a redefinition and length of the teeth, are successfully treated with new ceramic systems such as IPS system e. Max. The system is based on glass-reinforced ceramic lithium disilicate crystals (60–65%). This article describes a case of a 47 year old woman with four full crowns made with IPS e.max ceramic system is reported. The final result shows a natural and functional aesthetic with excellent optical properties, which are particular to the ceramic system used. In conclusion the IPS e.max ceramic system is a versatile system in addition to currently becoming an excellent alternative for restoration systems, both aesthetically and functionally, achieving an excellent balance between the patient’s smile and aesthetic restorations.

KEY WORDS: dental ceramics, aesthetics, lithium disilicate, crown, anterior teeth.


How to cite this article

FIGUEROA, R I.; CRUZ, F. G.; DE CARVALHO, R. F.; LEITE, F. P. P. & CHAVES, M. G. A. M. Rehabilitation of anterior teeth with ceramic lithium disilicate system. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(3):469-474, 2014.


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