Early Malocclusion Treatment without Functional Devices: Presentation of Two Clinical Cases

2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 2

Lorena Carbone Irujo



This article outlines a model of Neuroocclusal rehabilitation (NOR) of Pedro Planas (1997) “it is fundamental to discover where, when and how we must act on the centers neural receptors that provide development of the stomatognathic system response for stimulating them physiologically provide us with a response of normal and balanced development”. The NOR seeks to move from a pathological occlusal plane to a functional occlusal plane, changing the mandibular position, allowing growth and development eugnacico of the face. Clinical cases reported in this paper are relatively common in dental clinical practice, and their presentation seeks to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of malocclusion with the therapeutic intervention; in order to prevent complications and simplify treatment, favoring a balanced morphofunctional growth and development in the patient, directly and positively reflected in their facial aesthetic. Two clinical cases are illustrated; one in deciduous dentition and the other in early mixed dentition, both from the IUCEDDU orthopedics and prevention clinic. Treatments with balanced occlusal and Planas direct tracks, making a longitudinal follow-up of the cases have been proposed. The results obtained in the treatments with this method, reaffirm our expectations and confirm that despite the use such simplified technique; excellent results are obtained that avoid or shorten subsequentfunctional treatment.

KEY WORDS: malocclusion, occlusal balance, planas direct tracks.


How to cite this article

CARBONE, I. L. Early malocclusion treatment without functional devices: Presentation of two clinical cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):253-260, 2014.


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