Dental Journals in the SciELO Database: A Bibliometric Overview

2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 2

Mario Cantín & Yanela Aravena



Journals play an important role in the process of scientific communication for various sciences, including dentistry. This communication becomes more important if the journals are indexed on databases of nationally and internationally recognized. The aim of this research was to find, analyze and describe the dental journals indexed in the full record of countries in the SciELO database, until the first half of 2014, in order to inform the dental community status and features major. A descriptive bibliometric methodology was design. Dental journals, abbreviation, date of admission of each journal in the collection, available numbers, quantity and type of articles, and language of publication were identified in the SciELO database. Seventeen dental journals indexed in SciELO database were identified. Between countries, Brazil has more journas, followed by Spain, Chile and Colombia. The first dental journal income in 2000, and there were 2 new revenue in 2014. There was a direct relationship between the year of income and number of issues published. To date a total of 5,684 articles have been published, mainly original, followed by case reports, literature reviews, editorials and letters to the editor. The language most often used to publish was english (55.2%), followed by spanish (31.4%). The portuguese, only accounted for 2.3%. In some journals, simultaneous publication in english/spanish and english/portuguese (3.8%) was observed. Dentistry, and its thematic journals have been able to successfully integrate the various components of the SciELO methodology. It is necessary that dentists to know available journals in SciELO and their characteristics as numbers, language, periodicity among others, in order to make a proper choice when you submit your publication.

KEYWORDS: science publishing, journals, dentistry, database, SciELO.


How to cite this article

CANTÍN, M. & ARAVENA, Y. Dental journals in the SciELO database: a bibliometric overview. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):215-220, 2014.


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