Multifocal Extramedullary Plasmocytoma of the Sinonasal Region: a Case Report and Literature Review

2013 • Volume 7 • Issue 3

Ilson Sepúlveda; Loreto Spencer; Rodrigo Klaassen; Enrique Platín; Cesar García; Ornella Salvatori & David Ulloa



We report on a patient who presented to ENT services with right side epistaxis, frontal lobe headache, right infraorbital pain and the feeling of having a stuffy nose. CT and MRI were performed and later a biopsy confirmed the presence of sinonasal plasmocytoma. The Head and Neck oncology committee recommended radiotherapy as the choice of treatment. At the present time the patient is being followed on scheduled medical visits.

KEY WORDS: CT, MRI, plasmocytoma, sinonasal, extramedullary, tumor.


How to cite this article

SEPÚLVEDA, I.; SPENCER, L.; KLAASSEN, R.; PLATÍN, E.; GARCÍA, C.; SALVATORI, O. & ULLOA, D. Multifocal extramedullary plasmocytoma of the sinonasal region: a case report and literature review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(3):427-432, 2013.


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