Ozone Therapy in Dentistry: A Systematic Review

2013 • Volume 7 • Issue 2

Iris Jasmin Santos German; Antonio de Castro Rodrigues; Jesus Carlos Andreo; Karina Torres Pomini; Farooque Jamaluddin Ahmed; Daniela Vieira Buchaim; Geraldo Marco Rosa Júnior; Jéssica Barbosa de Oliveira Gonçalves & Rogério Leone Buchaim



The purpose of this systematic review was to verify the literature available regarding the effectiveness and the biological effects of ozone therapy in periodontics, orthodontics and dental implants. Studies were searched in September 2012. Analyzed sources included the databases PubMed, Lilacs and SciELO, through a combination of key words, dental implants, periodontics, orthodontics, therapeutics. Studies between 2002 and 2012 were included. In vitro and in vivo studies English and Spanish language publications, excluding posters, letters to the editors and conferences. In Vitro and in Vivo studies showed the inactivation of the major periodontal pathogens by ozone. There were divergent results and lack of evidence for the activity of ozone on adhesion of orthodontic brackets, in implantology and orthodontics. Ozone could be considered as a promissory alternative therapy in dentistry. However, well-designed studies are needed to assess the application of ozone in order to evaluate its clinical effectiveness in the field of dentistry.

KEY WORDS: dental implants, periodontics, orthodontics, therapeutics.


How to cite this article

GERMAN, I. J. S.; RODRIGUES, A. C.; ANDREO, J. C.; POMINI, K. T.; AHMED, F. J.; BUCHAIM, D. V.; ROSA JÚNIOR, G. M.; GONÇALVES, J. B. O. & BUCHAIM, R. L. Ozone therapy in dentistry: A systematic review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(2):267-278, 2013.


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