Decompression Associated with Irrigation with Elixir Sanativo® Before Enucleation of Odontogenic Keratocysts: Report of Two Cases

2024 • Volume 18 • Issue 2

Iris Tamara de Santana Oliveira; John Nadson Andrade Pinho; Lucas Alves da Mota Santana; Tereza Raquel Hora Santos; Rani Iani Costa Gonçalo; Leandro Napier de Souza & Liane Maciel de Almeida Souza



Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC) is an aggressive cystic lesion of the jaws and one of the most common odontogenic cysts, usually affecting the posterior region of the mandible. Recurrences are frequently recorded and may be directly related to the treatment modality adopted. Two patients presenting OKC were treated by combining decompression and intralesional irrigation with the drug Elixir Sanativo® for 8 months before enucleation surgery. In both patients, the association between decompression and irrigation with Elixir Sanativo® represented a safe and effective method to reduce the preoperative lesion dimensions.

KEY WORDS: odontogenic cysts, conservative treatment, phytotherapy.


How to cite this article

DE SANTANA OLIVEIRA, I. T.; ANDRADE PINHOA, J. N.; ALVES DA MOTA SANTANA, L.; HORA SANTOSA, T.R.; COSTA GONÇALO, R.L.; NAPIER DE SOUZA, L. & DE ALMEIDA SOUZA, L. M. Decompression associated with irrigation with Elixir Sanativo® before enucleation of odontogenic keratocysts: Report of two cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(2) :129-134, 2024.


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