Currently, the association between periodontitis and systemic diseases is widely recognized. However, a potential role of periodontal inflammation on the severity of COVID-19 has recently been studied. The goal of this review is to highlight different mechanisms by which the presence of periodontitis could contribute to the increased severity of COVID-19. These mechanisms include the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, accelerated cellular senescence, and NETosis. We also emphasize the importance of oral hygiene and maintenance of oral health as additional measures to avoid COVID-19 dissemination.
KEY WORDS: periodontitis, coronavirus, periodontal diseases, oral hygiene, COVID-19.
How to cite this article
HERNÁNDEZ-VIGUERAS, S. & AQUINO-MARTÍNEZ, R. The Potential role of periodontitis on the severity of COVID19. A review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(2):335-341, 2021.