Background and Considerations for the Curricular Renewal of the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile Dental Degree

2021 • Volume 15 • Issue 1

Ramón Fuentes Fernández & Claudia Riquelme Macalusso



The objective of this article is to contribute to the discussion and reflection of the theoreticalconceptual elements that should be incorporated in a process of curricular renewal. In this case, concerning the dental degree of the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile, this process should be geared toward the new work context required in the dental field nowadays. Clear designs and guidelines for the development of students’ meaningful learning should be established. These should include Interdisciplinary knowledge, technical competences and specific educational tools in a comprehensive educational model for the students and subsequent professionals. Faculty as well as students ought to be included in all stages of this process. To accomplish this challenge in education and training requires a significant and absolute commitment on the part of all players involved, given that the objective is the substantial improvement of the dental professional education in the La Araucanía region.

KEY WORDS: curriculum renewal, teachinglearning process, professional skills.


How to cite this article

FUENTES, F. R. & RIQUELME, M. C. Background and considerationsforthe curricular renewal of the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile dental degree. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(1):234-239, 2021.


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