Humeres Sigala Carlos; Mancilla Sierpe Edgardo; Vidal Gill Sergio; Kratc Botero Renata; Sepúlveda Arcuch Verónica & Herrera Ochoa Alejandra


Intraductal carcinoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the salivary glands characterized by predominantly intraductal growth, isolated cells a phenotype with ductal characteristics. Histologically, it is composed of multiple cystic structures, with cribiform architecture and cell proliferation which can present floppy fenestrations and an irregular slits appearance. We present the case of a 67-year-old female patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis and a treated intraepithelial neoplasm (NIE I), who consulted at the surgery polyclinic of the Hospital Regional Antofagasta in 2017 for increased volume of firm consistency, in the left parotid gland area, approximately one year in evolution, with pain of moderate intensity. Immunohistochemical tests confirm the diagnosis of intraductal parotid carcinoma.

KEY WORDS: Intraductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, cribiform cystoadenocarcinoma.

How to cite this article

HUMERES, S. C.; MANCILLA, S. E.; VIDAL, G. S.; KRATC, B. R.; SEPÚLVEDA, A. V. & HERRERA, O. A. Intraductal parotid gland carcinoma. Case report in Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 16(4):597-601, 2022.